About Us

There are plenty of anime review sites out there, and for a moment I thought it might be nice to share my opinions on those series I liked from present and past. However I backed down, and decided to try something different: I’ll be presenting you with made up Magic cards that somehow explain what the series is about and what I think about it.

Magic the Gathering is property of Wizards of the Coast. The reviewed anime series are the properties of their respective owners. I do not claim to own neither of them, no matter how much I’d like to. Please don’t sue me, I’m just sharing what I love so that others may also come to love it.

Why don’t cards have flavor text?

Basically, I’m trying to explain things about each anime by showing you characters and situations in the form of magic cards. Flavor text would actually allow to express that directly without the symbolism or interpretation of the card’s effects. That would be too easy!

Can I submit a card to you?

Maybe. I have no hard and fast rules about this, but if you send me a card I like, I will publish it and give you all the credit (this includes linking the image back to your site, or giving you some other mention). However your card must follow this guidelines:

1. No flavor text or vanilla cards. All information must be conveyed through rules.

2. No new keywords, unless you send me more than one card that uses them.

3. Try to use the same templates the MTG Development and Rules teams use. Use magiccards.info or Gatherer as reference.

4. Make sure your card actually works within the rules.

5. Cards can be overpowered or underpowered (just like normal Magic cards) but within reason and rarity level.

If a card causes me or the site any problems, I will have to take it down. If after all of this, you think you can submit an interesting card, send @AnimeMTGCards a link to the card via Twitter @mention or PM.

12 Comments to “About Us”

  1. i do understand why you would say that, but to be honest, i actually think the mechanics they use on the site would be fun to see in real magic. to be honest, they would be more fun to play with then the annihilater mechanic.

  2. I’ve seen a few of your cards, and well, Inspired me to make a set of my own…Would you be interested in taking a gander at it?

  3. how can i get theese cards i want the gurren laggan set

  4. I am enjoying the website. Thank you very much for creating it. :3

    Question: So we are allowed to submit our own creations?

  5. I wouldn’t mind looking at them, but I have decided not to do Pokemon cards (not because I don’t like it, I have all the games) but rather because there is already a Pokemon TCG, and thus more cards than I could imagine 🙂

  6. *Can giv them to you. Such a big spelling error….

  7. @arthexis Of course. Now i’m waiting the confirm to obtain arts to do a Soul Eater set, because I prefer fanart over original, simply because they fit better in the “Magic-art-style”. But if you’re interested I’ve done all pokémon cards form Bulbasaur to Arceus and some thematic card (Such the Mewtwo “tribal” cards) and I can’t give them to you so you can judge them.
    I don’t believe you haven’t a favourite pokémon 🙂

  8. @Kami-94 Thanks for sharing! They look real nice! I have been thinking of adding a sidebar with links to other sites with anime MTG cards; would you be interested in getting added?

  9. I make anime and games’s characters card for fun. I’d love to share someone with you. If you’re interested watch here: http://kami-94.deviantart.com/

  10. i would like a deck blue/white – Arakawa under the bridge. \o/

  11. Thanks for your insightful comments; we are always looking forward for positive criticism.

  12. You guys have no idea about the design process. The cards pictured here are honestly insulting to legitimate MTG designers.

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